20 Years

New Cube Logistics – India


Urgent Notice, It has been brought to our attention over the past few months that a few of our members have payment issues with Ncube Logistics, all have suffered very delayed payments, all now paid, however deliberate delayed payments is not acceptable or in the spirt of working within the ASA family.

We need to know if you have traded with Ncube in the past 4-6 months and if they have paid you per your agreed payment terms. We want to know the good as well as the bad. Please send your reply to roy.loken@asanetwork.org with cc to robert@asanetwork.org

We also want to take this opportunity to remind all members that its very important to always agree payment terms with each other before handling shipments, the best way is to make a an agency agreement together which spells out terms of trading and payment terms.

There is a draft agency agreement form on the ASA website should you need one or you can ask Robert for a copy.

Many thanks for your time

