Dear ASA members please take time to read below and attached are the Rules on Red Alert System and how to Operate/make a report.
Firstly the Red Alert System details are all located in the ASA members directory front page. This lists all ASA members and their countries, we have now added an extra line at the end after “Mailing and Website ” Red Alert” which when a member has a red alert report against them – there will be a Red triangle with a ! inside the triangle.
I have put on an example of MTI Express Morocco, so scroll down the directory list to MTI – Morocco and you will see the triangle on the right side.
Secondly if you now click on MTI directory page it will bring up their entry, right at the top you will see a broad RED strip with the triangle and in clear capital letters Credit suspended. so this is how a message could look, but we can put any message we want such as Note: Very slow payers etc. or some other message.
This is a simple good visual we can use and members can see at a glance if we try to add more and make it more complicated will make become more time consuming and impractical without redesigning our whole ASA website at some considerable cost..
I have also produced a simple Red Alert Reporting form for members to complete and send. Please look at this simple draft report form. we can amend this in the future if need be.
Reporting a Red Alert: When in the ASA Directory page if you click on any ASA member it will open that members info and on the top right of the page you will see a Red menu box “Report RED ALERT” click on this and it will bring up the form to complete and send to ASA Management.
Please take a moment to play with the system and read the suggested Rules, then let me have your comments/views, before we circulate this to all members.
The rules are attached to this link
Many thanks & regards